Words are Powerful

Myrtle House Community Church was honored to welcome back Stuart Watkins, who delivered a poignant message on the profound impact of our words.

Stuart began by highlighting our tendency to underestimate the power of words, emphasizing that our speech has the ability to create or destroy. He referenced God's creation of the heavens and earth through His spoken word, illustrating the immense power inherent in words.

Drawing from Proverbs, he underscored the importance of controlling our tongues, as our words can either bring life or ruin. He emphasized how encouraging words can uplift and bring hope, while deceitful or hurtful words can crush the spirit.

Our words, Stuart continued, shape our lives' trajectory. They have the power to set our hearts on paths of either blessing or destruction. Citing Hebrews, he emphasized the connection between our words and the fruit they produce, stressing that our speech can yield either positive or negative outcomes.

Delving into the profound impact of our beliefs on our words and actions. He cautioned against trusting fear, highlighting the importance of believing in our identity and relationship with God. He urged the congregation to guard their hearts, as our words often reflect the condition of our inner selves.

Quoting Bill Johnson, Stuart emphasized the importance of wisdom in discerning words that contribute to life and those that detract from it. He reminded listeners that our words have the power to shape others' days, journeys, and destinies.

We were cautioned against speaking hastily, as words, once uttered, leave lasting impressions and he challenged attendees to consider the declarations they make over their own lives, urging them to speak life and hope, even when unaware of others' circumstances.

In conclusion, Stuart urged the congregation to recognize the weight of their words and to always strive to speak life and hope, understanding the profound impact they can have on others and themselves.

Words are Powerful
Myrtle House Podcasts

Who are You becoming?


Honour is a Choice