Waiting, Pressing In, and Lingering upon the Lord

Martin O’Brien’s message this week builds upon Bill Chapman's previous sermon on Waiting on God. Martin delved deeper into three key concepts: waiting on the Lord, pressing in, and lingering in His presence. Each of these, he explained, is vital to deepening our relationship with God.

1. Waiting Upon the Lord

Martin encouraged the congregation to reflect on whether they truly wait upon the Lord. The Hebrew word for wait (Qavah) signifies more than just time spent waiting; it implies intertwining ourselves with God, filled with hope and expectation. As we wait, we anticipate God’s movement in our lives, trusting His timing and purposes.

Martin referenced several Scriptures (e.g., Psalm 25, Isaiah 40, Psalm 37) that show how waiting brings promises of strength, salvation, and hope. He shared examples from Jacob, David, Isaiah, and Micah, who all waited on God, showing how hope is restored through patient waiting.

2. Pressing In

To press in means to actively seek God, regardless of our circumstances. Martin drew from Philippians 3:12-21, where Paul encourages believers to press on toward the goal of their faith. Pressing in involves persistence, especially during difficult seasons when distractions, chaos, or weariness can pull us away from God’s presence. However, when we wait and press in, we connect with God in a supernatural way.

Pressing in shifts our focus from life’s struggles to God’s promises. It’s a call to move beyond our own strength and lean into God's presence through prayer and trust.

3. Lingering in His Presence

The final key concept Martin emphasised was lingering. To linger means to stay longer, to not rush away from God’s presence but instead tarry with Him. He used Psalm 33:20-22 to illustrate how lingering invites intimacy with God. Acts 4:13 shows that people can recognize when we’ve been lingering in His presence—it transforms us and is evident to others.


Martin posed challenging questions to the congregation:

- How will you wait upon the Lord?

- How will you press in during difficult times?

- Will you linger in His presence, making space in your life for Him?

He urged everyone to carve out time this week to wait, press in, and linger in God’s presence. When we make this a priority, it not only changes our lives but also impacts those around us.

In closing, Martin called the church to be a people who wait, press in, and linger upon the Lord. By doing so, we can expect God to work powerfully in our lives, renewing our hope and strength, and drawing us closer to Him.




Waiting on God