You are the Salt of the Earth

Recap of Sunday Sermon at Myrtle House Community Church


Today, we delved into the powerful truth that there is no factoring you out of God's plan. Regardless of your past experiences or actions, God has chosen you to be a significant and important part of His divine design. The Scripture passages from Matthew 4:17-25 and Psalm 32 reinforced this message of inclusion and significance.

We explored the idea that, as followers of Christ, we are the salt of the earth. Drawing from The Chosen Series and Jesus' teachings in Mark 1:15, the call to repent and believe in the gospel echoed the theme of actively participating in God's plan for His kingdom.

Through Jesus' model, we are encouraged to become who God is calling us to be. The beatitudes, the sermon on the mount, and Jesus' teachings serve as a blueprint for us to understand how to rule with authority in the Kingdom. It's about submitting to the primacy of the King, acknowledging His guidelines, and living according to His principles.

We emphasised the importance of putting effort into cultivating the Kingdom. Like making a garden, it requires our active participation and obedience to God's commission. The beatitudes guide us in becoming Kingdom people, and Jesus is building His Kingdom through individuals who submit to His rule.

Just as artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster turn junk into art when light is shined on it, we are called to illuminate the lives of those around us. In John 9:5 and Matthew 5, Jesus declares Himself as the light of the world, and now we are called to be the light. When we shine our light of love, hope, mercy, and kindness, we transform what looks like trash into treasure.

The beatitudes and the sermon on the mount serve as our guide, illuminating our journey with Kingdom principles. As we apply these principles, the King reigns in our lives, and the Kingdom of God takes root in our communities.

Jesus, the light of the world, values each person as chosen, favored, and blessed. Understanding and embodying this revolutionary life principle allows us to manifest the Kingdom and reveal the treasure within each person. You are the salt of the earth, chosen by God to bring flavor and light to the world around you.


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