Living the Heart of Christ: Embracing Mercy and Compassion

In today's sermon at Myrtle House Community Church, Martin O’Brien delved into Matthew 5:7, continuing the exploration of the Beatitudes. He emphasised the significance of embodying mercy and compassion, which lie at the core of Christ's teachings. Drawing from the verse "God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7, NLT), Martin highlighted the fundamental nature of mercy in the Christian life.

He elucidated the Greek word for "merciful," Eleemon, which conveys active compassion. This compassion is manifested in various forms, including aiding the afflicted, extending help to the poor, and experiencing divine mercy through Christ's sacrifice. Martin underscored that Christ's very essence epitomises compassion and mercy towards the marginalised and suffering.

Furthermore, Martin discussed the root word Eleos, which encompasses compassion, kindness, and the readiness to forgive. He emphasised that mercy and compassion are recurrent themes throughout scripture, citing examples from Psalms, Proverbs, Micah, Luke, Colossians, and James.

The sermon challenged the congregation to introspect on their practice of mercy. Martin urged them to emulate Jesus' life, characterised by boundless mercy even towards enemies. He stressed that in the Kingdom of God, mercy isn't just an option but a way of life, a prerequisite for true discipleship.

In conclusion, Martin reminded the listeners that the path to joy and abundant life lies in embracing mercy. Being merciful isn't merely a duty but a privilege bestowed upon believers. Thus, he encouraged everyone to embody the heart of Christ by showing compassion to all, mirroring the divine mercy extended to humanity.




Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness