Honour is a Choice

Bill Chapman continued our exploration of the Sermon on the Mount, particularly focusing on Matthew 5:13-16. He emphasised our call to be influencers, to make a difference, and to be actively involved in our community to change its atmosphere positively.

Drawing from Romans 12:9-21, Bill outlined practical steps to be salt and light in our community. We are encouraged to genuinely love others, hate what is wrong, hold onto good, work diligently, serve enthusiastically, and practice hospitality. He highlighted the importance of blessing those who persecute us, rejoicing with the joyful, mourning with the sorrowful, and living harmoniously with one another. The message was clear: live in such a way that everyone can see you are honourable and strive to live peacefully with everyone.

Bill focused on Romans 12:10, "Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other," challenging us to reflect on whether we truly delight in honouring others. Honour is a choice, a gift we offer to God. As Jon Tyson aptly put it, "Honour is the operating system of the Kingdom of God."

Honouring others is a manifestation of our love and respect for them. It's a choice that requires validation of people's actions and behaviours. Bill reminded us of Jesus' experience in Nazareth where he was not honoured by his own community, emphasizing the significance of honouring honourable people as a mandate from God.

Scriptures further illuminated the theme of honour:

- Revelation 5:11-17 and John 5:22-23 speak of honouring God and the Lamb for eternity.

- Isaiah 43:21 emphasizes Israel's destiny to honour God before the world.

- 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 underscores honouring God with our bodies.

- Proverbs 3:9-10 speaks of honouring the Lord with our wealth.

- 1 Peter 3:7 instructs husbands to honour their wives.

Bill concluded with a quote from C.S. Lewis, "There are no ordinary people; everybody has value." He challenged us to envision a community where everyone chooses to honour one another.

In summary, Bill's message inspired, encouraged, challenged, and provoked us to understand that honour is a choice we must make to glorify God and bless others. To be truly honourable, we must actively work at it, choosing to live in a way that reflects our honourable nature.


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